Are you looking for job openings in Malaysia? We have listed the companies that have posted their vacancies on various positions they need for their organization. If you are looking for a job as an expat, check out these links so you can see which companies are hiring this month. Each page you visit will forward you to a set of jobs and the date of posting. Once you apply, you will then be taken to the official company website where you can submit your application.
We are updating these pages on a monthly basis so please do visit this page from time to time in order to see the latest jobs available for your reference.

Multiple Jobs in Malaysia for Expats
Disclaimer: We are not a job agency, helps share these available jobs to make it easier for you to apply. We have readers who do not know the process how to apply for certain job opportunities in Malaysia and we’re collecting these vacancies based on the official websites of the companies.
Air Asia –
Astro –
Crowe-Horwath –
Dell –
Genting Group –
Honda –
iOi –
L’oreal –
Maybank –
Petronas –
Samsung –
Sunway Group –
Top Glove –
YTL Community –
Please make sure that you go through the job description, requirements, and qualifications of each opportunity in order to verify if you meet the detailed profile that the companies are requiring for the job. Remember that you have to meet the profile criteria in order to be eligible to be considered before getting that possible initial interview.
Our goal why we set up this page is to guide you in getting the best news, updates, tips and guides for workers and professionals who want to seek a career in Malaysia.

Know Your Rights as an Employee
In order to make the most of your experience as you visit our page, we want you to be equipped with the knowledge based on the data that we post. Given that being in a new country, it is important that you are aware of your rights as well as responsibilities for being an employee so it’s good that you brush up on the law and certain policies expected from you.
Do also understand that it is vital that you set a goal for yourself when you finally have a career that can help you save money and send as well to your family back in your home country. Please do not miss out on the opportunity to invest in your future by setting some finances for savings and investments. After all, we are not going to be employees working for someone forever so let us maximize the time that we have by spending our hard-earned money wisely to become a successful expat wherever our paths may lead us.

We will continue to update this site so you can gain more knowledge in setting your goals and be well-aware of the situations and news updates happening in this country. Good luck in applying for the jobs!